Exploring Idle Reduction Technologies for BEV and ICE Vehicles

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, March 5 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM

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Event Location

Location: Room 130

Event Information

Title: Exploring Idle Reduction Technologies for BEV and ICE Vehicles


The commercial vehicle market is rapidly evolving, and it’s crucial for fleet managers to stay ahead of the curve in reducing emissions, saving fuel and increasing operational efficiency. This session will explore the array of anti-idling technologies available, such as fuel-operated heaters, air conditioning systems and electrical heaters. Learn strategies for configuring your fleet and selecting the right system to maximize the benefits of these technologies, considering the unique needs and challenges of your operation.

A Work Truck Week or Green Truck Summit Conference Package is required to attend this session.

Type: WTW Breakout Sessions




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